Source code for lambda_handlers.handler

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import json
import traceback
import copy
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from libraries.general_tools.data_utils import mask_fields
from import App

[docs]class Handler(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta fields_to_mask = ['db_pass', 'gogs_user_token'] def __init__(self): = None
[docs] def handle(self, event, context): """ :param dict event: :param context: :return dict: """ if 'vars' in event: App(**event['vars']) App.logger.debug("EVENT:") App.logger.debug(json.dumps(self.mask_event(event))) = {} if 'data' in event and isinstance(event['data'], dict): = event['data'] if 'body-json' in event and isinstance(event['body-json'], dict):['body-json']) try: return self._handle(event, context) except Exception as e: App.logger.error(e.message) App.logger.error('{0}: {1}'.format(str(e), traceback.format_exc())) raise EnvironmentError('Bad Request: {}'.format(e.message)) finally: App.db_close()
@abstractmethod def _handle(self, event, context): """ Dummy function for handlers. Override this so handle() will catch the exception and make it a "Bad Request: " :param dict event: :param context: :return dict: """ raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod
[docs] def retrieve(dictionary, key, dict_name=None, required=True, default=None): """ Retrieves a value from a dictionary. raises an error message if the specified key is not valid :param dict dictionary: :param any key: :param str|unicode dict_name: name of dictionary, for error message :param bool required: :param any default: :return: value corresponding to key """ if key in dictionary: return dictionary[key] if required: dict_name = "dictionary" if dict_name is None else dict_name raise Exception('\'{k}\' not found in {d}'.format(k=key, d=dict_name)) else: return default
[docs] def mask_event(cls, event): return mask_fields(copy.deepcopy(event), cls.fields_to_mask)