Source code for door43_tools.templaters

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import os
import codecs
from glob import glob
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from libraries.general_tools import file_utils
from libraries.general_tools.file_utils import write_file
from libraries.resource_container.ResourceContainer import RC
from libraries.general_tools.file_utils import load_yaml_object
from import App

[docs]def do_template(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file): templater = init_template(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) return
[docs]def init_template(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file): if resource_type == 'obs': templater = ObsTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) elif resource_type == 'ta': templater = TaTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) elif resource_type == 'tq': templater = TqTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) elif resource_type == 'tw': templater = TwTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) elif resource_type == 'tn': templater = TnTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) else: templater = BibleTemplater(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) return templater
[docs]class Templater(object): NO_NAV_TITLES = ['', 'Conversion requested...', 'Conversion started...', 'Conversion successful', 'Conversion successful with warnings', 'Index'] def __init__(self, resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file): self.resource_type = resource_type self.source_dir = source_dir # Local directory self.output_dir = output_dir # Local directory self.template_file = template_file # Local file of template self.files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.source_dir, '*.html'))) self.rc = None self.template_html = '' self.already_converted = [] self.titles = {} self.chapters = {} self.book_codes = {} self.classes = []
[docs] def run(self): # get the resource container self.rc = RC(self.source_dir) with open(self.template_file) as template_file: self.template_html = soup = BeautifulSoup(self.template_html, 'html.parser') soup.body['class'] = soup.body.get('class', []) + [self.resource_type] if self.classes: soup.body['class'] = soup.body.get('class', []) + self.classes self.template_html = unicode(soup) self.apply_template() return True
[docs] def build_left_sidebar(filename=None): html = """ <nav class="affix-top hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm" id="left-sidebar-nav"> <div class="nav nav-stacked" id="revisions-div"> <h1>Revisions</h1> <table width="100%" id="revisions"></table> </div> </nav> """ return html
[docs] def build_right_sidebar(self, filename=None): html = self.build_page_nav(filename) return html
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): html = """ <nav class="affix-top hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul id="sidebar-nav" class="nav nav-stacked"> <li><h1>Navigation</h1></li> """ for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) title = "" if key in self.titles: title = self.titles[key] if title in self.NO_NAV_TITLES: continue if filename != fname: html += '<li><a href="{0}">{1}</a></li>'.format(os.path.basename(fname), title) else: html += '<li>{0}</li>'.format(title) html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html
[docs] def get_page_navigation(self): for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) if key in self.titles: # skip if we already have data continue with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser') if'div#content h1'): title ='div#content h1')[0].text.strip() else: title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0].replace('_', ' ').capitalize() self.titles[key] = title
[docs] def apply_template(self): language_code = self.rc.resource.language.identifier language_name = self.rc.resource.language.title language_dir = self.rc.resource.language.direction resource_title = self.rc.resource.title self.get_page_navigation() heading = '{0}: {1}'.format(language_name, resource_title) title = '' canonical = '' # soup is the template that we will replace content of for every file soup = BeautifulSoup(self.template_html, 'html.parser') left_sidebar_div = soup.body.find('div', id='left-sidebar') outer_content_div = soup.body.find('div', id='outer-content') right_sidebar_div = soup.body.find('div', id='right-sidebar') # find the outer-content div in the template if not outer_content_div: raise Exception('No div tag with id "outer-content" was found in the template') # get the canonical UTL if not canonical: links = soup.head.find_all('link[rel="canonical"]') if len(links) == 1: canonical = links[0]['href'] # loop through the html files for filename in self.files: if filename not in self.already_converted: App.logger.debug('Applying template to {0}.'.format(filename)) # read the downloaded file into a dom abject with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: file_soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser') # get the title from the raw html file if not title and file_soup.head and file_soup.head.title: title = file_soup.head.title.text else: title = os.path.basename(filename) # get the language code, if we haven't yet if not language_code: if 'lang' in file_soup.html: language_code = file_soup.html['lang'] else: language_code = 'en' # get the body of the raw html file if not file_soup.body: body = BeautifulSoup('<div>No content</div>', 'html.parser') else: body = BeautifulSoup(''.join(['%s' % x for x in file_soup.body.contents]), 'html.parser') # insert new HTML into the template outer_content_div.clear() outer_content_div.append(body) soup.html['lang'] = language_code soup.html['dir'] = language_dir soup.head.title.clear() soup.head.title.append(heading+' - '+title) # set the page heading heading_span = soup.body.find('span', id='h1') heading_span.clear() heading_span.append(heading) if left_sidebar_div: left_sidebar_html = self.build_left_sidebar(filename) left_sidebar = BeautifulSoup(left_sidebar_html, 'html.parser').nav.extract() left_sidebar_div.clear() left_sidebar_div.append(left_sidebar) if right_sidebar_div: right_sidebar_div.clear() right_sidebar_html = self.build_right_sidebar(filename) if right_sidebar_html: right_sidebar = BeautifulSoup(right_sidebar_html, 'html.parser') if right_sidebar and right_sidebar.nav: right_sidebar_nav = right_sidebar.nav.extract() right_sidebar_div.append(right_sidebar_nav) # render the html as an unicode string html = unicode(soup) # fix the footer message, removing the title of this page in parentheses as it doesn't get filled html = html.replace( '("<a xmlns:dct="" href="" rel="dct:source">{{ HEADING }}</a>") ', '') # update the canonical URL - it is in several different locations html = html.replace(canonical, canonical.replace('/templates/', '/{0}/'.format(language_code))) # Replace HEADING with page title in footer html = html.replace('{{ HEADING }}', title) # write to output directory out_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) App.logger.debug('Writing {0}.'.format(out_file)) write_file(out_file, html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) else: # if already templated, need to update navigation bar # read the templated file into a dom abject with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f, 'html.parser') right_sidebar_div = soup.body.find('div', id='right-sidebar') if right_sidebar_div: right_sidebar_html = self.build_right_sidebar(filename) right_sidebar = BeautifulSoup(right_sidebar_html, 'html.parser').nav.extract() right_sidebar_div.clear() right_sidebar_div.append(right_sidebar) # render the html as an unicode string html = unicode(soup) # write to output directory out_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) App.logger.debug('Updating nav in {0}.'.format(out_file)) write_file(out_file, html.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
[docs]class ObsTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ObsTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TqTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TqTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) index = file_utils.load_json_object(os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'index.json')) if index: self.titles = index['titles'] self.chapters = index['chapters'] self.book_codes = index['book_codes']
[docs] def get_page_navigation(self): for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) if key in self.titles: # skip if we already have data continue filebase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] # Getting the book code for HTML tag references fileparts = filebase.split('-') if len(fileparts) == 2: # Assuming filename of ##-<name>.usfm, such as 01-GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[1].lower() else: # Assuming filename of <name.usfm, such as GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[0].lower() book_code.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '-') # replacing spaces and periods since used as tag class with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') if'div#content h1'): title ='div#content h1')[0].text.strip() else: title = '{0}.'.format(book_code) self.titles[key] = title self.book_codes[key] = book_code chapters = soup.find_all('h2') self.chapters[key] = [c['id'] for c in chapters]
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): html = """ <nav class="hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul id="sidebar-nav" class="nav nav-stacked books panel-group"> """ for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) book_code = "" if key in self.book_codes: book_code = self.book_codes[key] title = "" if key in self.titles: title = self.titles[key] if title in self.NO_NAV_TITLES: continue html += """ <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#sidebar-nav" href="#collapse{0}">{1}</a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapse{0}" class="panel-collapse collapse{2}"> <ul class="panel-body chapters"> """.format(book_code, title, ' in' if fname == filename else '') chapters = {} if key in self.chapters: chapters = self.chapters[key] for chapter in chapters: chapter_parts = chapter.split('-') label = chapter if len(chapter_parts) < 4 else chapter_parts[3].lstrip('0') html += """ <li class="chapter"><a href="{0}#{1}">{2}</a></li> """.format(os.path.basename(fname) if fname != filename else '', chapter, label) html += """ </ul> </div> </div> """ html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html
[docs]class TwTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TwTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) index = file_utils.load_json_object(os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'index.json')) if index: self.titles = index['titles'] self.chapters = index['chapters']
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): if not self.files or not self.titles or not self.chapters: return "" html = """ <nav class="hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul class="nav nav-stacked"> """ for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) section = os.path.splitext(key)[0] html += """ <li{0}><a href="{1}#tw-section-{2}">{3}</a> <a class="content-nav-expand collapsed" data-target="#section-{2}-sub" data-toggle="collapse" href="#"></a> <ul class="collapse" id="section-{2}-sub"> """.format(' class="active"' if fname == filename else '', key if fname != filename else '', section, self.titles[key]) titles = self.chapters[key] terms_sorted_by_title = sorted(titles, key=lambda i: titles[i].lower()) for term in terms_sorted_by_title: html += """ <li><a href="{0}#{1}">{2}</a></li> """.format(key if fname != filename else '', term, titles[term]) html += """ </ul> </li> """ html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html
[docs]class TnTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TnTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) index = file_utils.load_json_object(os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'index.json')) if index: self.titles = index['titles'] self.chapters = index['chapters'] self.book_codes = index['book_codes']
[docs] def get_page_navigation(self): for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) if key in self.titles: # skip if we already have data continue filebase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] # Getting the book code for HTML tag references fileparts = filebase.split('-') if len(fileparts) == 2: # Assuming filename of ##-<name>.usfm, such as 01-GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[1].lower() else: # Assuming filename of <name.usfm, such as GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[0].lower() book_code.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '-') # replacing spaces and periods since used as tag class with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') if'div#content h1'): title ='div#content h1')[0].text.strip() else: title = '{0}.'.format(book_code) self.titles[key] = title self.book_codes[key] = book_code chapters = soup.find_all('h2') self.chapters[key] = [c['id'] for c in chapters]
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): html = """ <nav class="hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul id="sidebar-nav" class="nav nav-stacked books panel-group"> """ for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) book_code = "" if key in self.book_codes: book_code = self.book_codes[key] title = "" if key in self.titles: title = self.titles[key] if title in self.NO_NAV_TITLES: continue html += """ <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#sidebar-nav" href="#collapse{0}">{1}</a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapse{0}" class="panel-collapse collapse{2}"> <ul class="panel-body chapters"> """.format(book_code, title, ' in' if fname == filename else '') chapters = {} if key in self.chapters: chapters = self.chapters[key] for chapter in chapters: chapter_parts = chapter.split('-') label = chapter if len(chapter_parts) < 4 else chapter_parts[3].lstrip('0') html += """ <li class="chapter"><a href="{0}#{1}">{2}</a></li> """.format(os.path.basename(fname) if fname != filename else '', chapter, label) html += """ </ul> </div> </div> """ html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html
[docs]class BibleTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BibleTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.classes = ['bible']
[docs] def get_page_navigation(self): for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) if key in self.titles: # skip if we already have data continue filebase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] # Getting the book code for HTML tag references fileparts = filebase.split('-') if len(fileparts) == 2: # Assuming filename of ##-<name>.usfm, such as 01-GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[1].lower() else: # Assuming filename of <name.usfm, such as GEN.usfm book_code = fileparts[0].lower() book_code.replace(' ', '-').replace('.', '-') # replacing spaces and periods since used as tag class with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') if'div#content h1'): title ='div#content h1')[0].text.strip() else: title = '{0}.'.format(book_code) self.titles[key] = title self.book_codes[key] = book_code chapters = soup.find_all('h2', {'c-num'}) self.chapters[key] = [c['id'] for c in chapters]
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): html = """ <nav class="hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul id="sidebar-nav" class="nav nav-stacked books panel-group"> """ for fname in self.files: key = os.path.basename(fname) book_code = "" if key in self.book_codes: book_code = self.book_codes[key] title = "" if key in self.titles: title = self.titles[key] if title in self.NO_NAV_TITLES: continue html += """ <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#sidebar-nav" href="#collapse{0}">{1}</a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapse{0}" class="panel-collapse collapse{2}"> <ul class="panel-body chapters"> """.format(book_code, title, ' in' if fname == filename else '') chapters = {} if key in self.chapters: chapters = self.chapters[key] for chapter in chapters: chapter_parts = chapter.split('-') label = chapter if len(chapter_parts) < 3 else chapter_parts[2].lstrip('0') html += """ <li class="chapter"><a href="{0}#{1}">{2}</a></li> """.format(os.path.basename(fname) if fname != filename else '', chapter, label) html += """ </ul> </div> </div> """ html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html
[docs]class TaTemplater(Templater): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TaTemplater, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.section_container_id = 1
[docs] def build_section_toc(self, section): """ Recursive section toc builder :param dict section: :return: """ if 'link' in section: link = section['link'] else: link = 'section-container-{0}'.format(self.section_container_id) self.section_container_id = self.section_container_id + 1 html = """ <li> <a href="#{0}">{1}</a> """.format(link, section['title']) if 'sections' in section: html += """ <a href="#" data-target="#{0}-sub" data-toggle="collapse" class="content-nav-expand collapsed"></a> <ul id="{0}-sub" class="collapse"> """.format(link) for subsection in section['sections']: html += self.build_section_toc(subsection) html += """ </ul> """ html += """ </li> """ return html
[docs] def build_page_nav(self, filename=None): self.section_container_id = 1 html = """ <nav class="hidden-print hidden-xs hidden-sm content-nav" id="right-sidebar-nav"> <ul class="nav nav-stacked"> """ for fname in self.files: with, 'r', 'utf-8-sig') as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') if'div#content h1'): title ='div#content h1')[0].text.strip() else: title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0].title() if title in self.NO_NAV_TITLES: continue if fname != filename: html += """ <h4><a href="{0}">{1}</a></h4> """.format(os.path.basename(fname), title) else: html += """ <h4>{0}</h4> """.format(title) toc = load_yaml_object(os.path.join('{0}-toc.yaml'.format(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]))) if toc: for section in toc['sections']: html += self.build_section_toc(section) html += """ """ html += """ </ul> </nav> """ return html