Source code for door43_tools.project_deployer

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import tempfile
import json
import time
import traceback
from glob import glob
from shutil import copyfile
from libraries.general_tools import file_utils
from libraries.general_tools.file_utils import write_file, remove_tree
from libraries.door43_tools.templaters import init_template
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import App

[docs]class ProjectDeployer(object): """ Deploys a project's revision to the bucket Read from the project's user dir in the bucket by applying the template to the raw html files """ def __init__(self): self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="", prefix="deployer_")
[docs] def close(self): """delete temp files""" remove_tree(self.temp_dir)
def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def deploy_revision_to_door43(self, build_log_key): """ Deploys a single revision of a project to :param string build_log_key: :return bool: """ build_log = None try: build_log = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_json(build_log_key, catch_exception=False) except Exception as e: App.logger.debug("Deploying error could not access {0}: {1}".format(build_log_key, str(e))) pass if not build_log or 'commit_id' not in build_log or 'repo_owner' not in build_log \ or 'repo_name' not in build_log: App.logger.debug("Exiting, Invalid build log at {0}: {1}".format(build_log_key, build_log)) return False start = time.time() App.logger.debug("Deploying, build log: " + json.dumps(build_log)[:256]) user = build_log['repo_owner'] repo_name = build_log['repo_name'] commit_id = build_log['commit_id'][:10] s3_commit_key = 'u/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(user, repo_name, commit_id) s3_repo_key = 'u/{0}/{1}'.format(user, repo_name) download_key = s3_commit_key do_part_template_only = False do_multipart_merge = False if 'multiple' in build_log: do_multipart_merge = build_log['multiple'] App.logger.debug("Found multi-part merge: {0}".format(download_key)) prefix = download_key + '/' undeployed = self.get_undeployed_parts(prefix) if len(undeployed) > 0: App.logger.debug("Exiting, Parts not yet deployed: {0}".format(undeployed)) return False key_deployed_ = download_key + '/final_deployed' if App.cdn_s3_handler().key_exists(key_deployed_): App.logger.debug("Exiting, Already merged parts: {0}".format(download_key)) return False self.write_data_to_file(self.temp_dir, key_deployed_, 'final_deployed', ' ') # flag that deploy has begun App.logger.debug("Continuing with merge: {0}".format(download_key)) elif 'part' in build_log: part = build_log['part'] download_key += '/' + part do_part_template_only = True App.logger.debug("Found partial: {0}".format(download_key)) if not App.cdn_s3_handler().key_exists(download_key + '/finished'): App.logger.debug("Exiting, Not ready to process partial") return False source_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='source_', dir=self.temp_dir) output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='output_', dir=self.temp_dir) template_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='template_', dir=self.temp_dir) resource_type = build_log['resource_type'] template_key = 'templates/project-page.html' template_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'project-page.html') App.logger.debug("Downloading {0} to {1}...".format(template_key, template_file)) App.door43_s3_handler().download_file(template_key, template_file) if not do_multipart_merge: source_dir, success = self.template_converted_files(build_log, download_key, output_dir, repo_name, resource_type, s3_commit_key, source_dir, start, template_file) if not success: return False else: source_dir, success = self.multipart_master_merge(s3_commit_key, resource_type, download_key, output_dir, source_dir, start, template_file) if not success: return False ####################### # # Now do the deploy # ####################### if not do_part_template_only or do_multipart_merge: # Copy first HTML file to index.html if index.html doesn't exist html_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.html'))) index_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') if len(html_files) > 0 and not os.path.isfile(index_file): copyfile(os.path.join(output_dir, html_files[0]), index_file) # Copy all other files over that don't already exist in output_dir, like css files for filename in sorted(glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*'))): output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) if not os.path.exists(output_file) and not os.path.isdir(filename): copyfile(filename, output_file) if do_part_template_only: # move files to common area basename = os.path.basename(filename) if basename not in ['finished', 'build_log.json', 'index.html', 'merged.json', 'lint_log.json']: App.logger.debug("Moving {0} to common area".format(basename)) App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(filename, s3_commit_key + '/' + basename, cache_time=0) App.cdn_s3_handler().delete_file(download_key + '/' + basename) # save master build_log.json file_utils.write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'build_log.json'), build_log) App.logger.debug("Final build_log.json:\n" + json.dumps(build_log)[:256]) # Upload all files to the bucket for root, dirs, files in os.walk(output_dir): for f in sorted(files): path = os.path.join(root, f) if os.path.isdir(path): continue key = s3_commit_key + path.replace(output_dir, '').replace(os.path.sep, '/') App.logger.debug("Uploading {0} to {1}".format(path, key)) App.door43_s3_handler().upload_file(path, key, cache_time=0) if not do_part_template_only: # Now we place json files and redirect index.html for the whole repo to this index.html file try: App.door43_s3_handler().copy(from_key='{0}/project.json'.format(s3_repo_key), from_bucket=App.cdn_bucket) App.door43_s3_handler().copy(from_key='{0}/manifest.json'.format(s3_commit_key), to_key='{0}/manifest.json'.format(s3_repo_key)) App.door43_s3_handler().redirect(s3_repo_key, '/' + s3_commit_key) App.door43_s3_handler().redirect(s3_repo_key + '/index.html', '/' + s3_commit_key) self.write_data_to_file(output_dir, s3_commit_key, 'deployed', ' ') # flag that deploy has finished except: pass else: # if processing part of multi-part merge self.write_data_to_file(output_dir, download_key, 'deployed', ' ') # flag that deploy has finished if App.cdn_s3_handler().key_exists(s3_commit_key + '/final_build_log.json'): App.logger.debug("final build detected") App.logger.debug("conversions all finished, trigger final merge") App.cdn_s3_handler().copy(from_key=s3_commit_key + '/final_build_log.json', to_key=s3_commit_key + '/build_log.json') elapsed_seconds = int(time.time() - start) App.logger.debug("deploy type partial={0}, multi_merge={1}".format(do_part_template_only, do_multipart_merge)) App.logger.debug("deploy completed in {0} seconds".format(elapsed_seconds)) self.close() return True
[docs] def multipart_master_merge(self, s3_commit_key, resource_type, download_key, output_dir, source_dir, start, template_file): prefix = download_key + '/' App.door43_s3_handler().download_dir(prefix, source_dir) # get previous templated files source_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, download_key) files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.*'))) for f in files: App.logger.debug("Downloaded: " + f) fname = os.path.join(source_dir, 'index.html') if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) # remove index if already exists elapsed_seconds = int(time.time() - start) App.logger.debug("deploy download completed in " + str(elapsed_seconds) + " seconds") templater = init_template(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) # restore index from previous passes index_json = self.get_templater_index(s3_commit_key, 'index.json') templater.titles = index_json['titles'] templater.chapters = index_json['chapters'] templater.book_codes = index_json['book_codes'] templater.already_converted = templater.files # do not reconvert files # merge the source files with the template try: self.run_templater(templater) success = True except Exception as e: App.logger.error("Error multi-part applying template {0} to resource type {1}".format(template_file, resource_type)) self.close() success = False return source_dir, success
[docs] def get_undeployed_parts(self, prefix): unfinished = [] for o in App.cdn_s3_handler().get_objects(prefix=prefix, suffix='/build_log.json'): parts = o.key.split(prefix) if len(parts) == 2: parts = parts[1].split('/') if len(parts) > 1: part_num = parts[0] deployed_key = prefix + part_num + '/deployed' if not App.cdn_s3_handler().key_exists(deployed_key): App.logger.debug("Part {0} unfinished".format(part_num)) unfinished.append(part_num) return unfinished
[docs] def template_converted_files(self, build_log, download_key, output_dir, repo_name, resource_type, s3_commit_key, source_dir, start, template_file): App.cdn_s3_handler().download_dir(download_key + '/', source_dir) source_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, download_key.replace('/', os.path.sep)) elapsed_seconds = int(time.time() - start) App.logger.debug("deploy download completed in " + str(elapsed_seconds) + " seconds") html_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*.html'))) if len(html_files) < 1: content = '' if len(build_log['errors']) > 0: content += """ <div style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px"> <i class="fa fa-times-circle-o" style="font-size: 250px;font-weight: 300;color: red"></i> <br/> <h2>Critical!</h2> <h3>Here is what went wrong with this build:</h3> </div> """ content += '<div><ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join(build_log['errors']) + '</li></ul></div>' else: content += '<h1 class="conversion-requested">{0}</h1>'.format(build_log['message']) content += '<p><i>No content is available to show for {0} yet.</i></p>'.format(repo_name) html = """ <html lang="en"> <head> <title>{0}</title> </head> <body> <div id="content">{1}</div> </body> </html>""".format(repo_name, content) repo_index_file = os.path.join(source_dir, 'index.html') write_file(repo_index_file, html) # merge the source files with the template templater = init_template(resource_type, source_dir, output_dir, template_file) try: self.run_templater(templater) success = True except Exception as e: App.logger.error("Error applying template {0} to resource type {1}:".format(template_file, resource_type)) App.logger.error(e.message) App.logger.error('{0}: {1}'.format(str(e), traceback.format_exc())) self.close() success = False if success: # update index of templated files index_json_fname = 'index.json' index_json = self.get_templater_index(s3_commit_key, index_json_fname) App.logger.debug("initial 'index.json': " + json.dumps(index_json)[:256]) self.update_index_key(index_json, templater, 'titles') self.update_index_key(index_json, templater, 'chapters') self.update_index_key(index_json, templater, 'book_codes') App.logger.debug("final 'index.json': " + json.dumps(index_json)[:256]) self.write_data_to_file(output_dir, s3_commit_key, index_json_fname, index_json) return source_dir, success
[docs] def write_data_to_file(self, output_dir, s3_commit_key, fname, data): out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, fname) write_file(out_file, data) key = s3_commit_key + '/' + fname App.logger.debug("Writing {0} to {1}': ".format(fname, key)) App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(out_file, key, cache_time=0)
[docs] def run_templater(self, templater): # for test purposes
[docs] def update_index_key(index_json, templater, key): data = index_json[key] data.update(getattr(templater, key)) index_json[key] = data
[docs] def get_templater_index(s3_commit_key, index_json_fname): index_json = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_json(s3_commit_key + '/' + index_json_fname) if not index_json: index_json['titles'] = {} index_json['chapters'] = {} index_json['book_codes'] = {} return index_json
[docs] def redeploy_all_projects(deploy_function): i = 0 one_day_ago = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=24) for obj in App.cdn_s3_handler().get_objects(prefix='u/', suffix='build_log.json'): i += 1 last_modified = obj.last_modified.replace(tzinfo=None) if one_day_ago <= last_modified: continue App.lambda_handler().invoke( FunctionName=deploy_function, InvocationType='Event', LogType='Tail', Payload=json.dumps({ 'prefix': App.prefix, 'build_log_key': obj.key }) ) return True