Source code for client.client_webhook

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import urllib
import os
import tempfile
import json
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from libraries.general_tools.file_utils import unzip, write_file, add_contents_to_zip, remove_tree
from libraries.general_tools.url_utils import download_file
from libraries.resource_container.ResourceContainer import RC
from libraries.client.preprocessors import do_preprocess
from libraries.models.manifest import TxManifest
from libraries.models.module import TxModule
from import App
from libraries.models.job import TxJob

[docs]class ClientWebhook(object): def __init__(self, commit_data=None): """ :param dict commit_data: """ self.commit_data = commit_data if App.pre_convert_bucket: self.source_url_base = 'https://s3-{0}{1}'.format(App.aws_region_name, App.pre_convert_bucket) else: self.source_url_base = None # move everything down one directory level for simple delete self.intermediate_dir = 'converter_webhook' self.base_temp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), self.intermediate_dir) try: os.makedirs(self.base_temp_dir) except: pass self.converter_callback = '{0}/client/callback/converter'.format(App.api_url) self.linter_callback = '{0}/client/callback/linter'.format(App.api_url)
[docs] def process_webhook(self): # Check that we got commit data if not self.commit_data: raise Exception('No commit data from DCS was found in the Payload') # Check that the user token is valid if not App.gogs_user_token: raise Exception('DCS user token not given in Payload.') user = App.gogs_handler().get_user(App.gogs_user_token) if not user: raise Exception('Invalid DCS user token given in Payload') # Check that the URL to the DCS repo is valid if not self.commit_data['repository']['html_url'].startswith(App.gogs_url): raise Exception('Repos can only belong to {0} to use this webhook client.'.format(App.gogs_url)) # Check that commit is on repo's default branch, else quit try: commit_branch = self.commit_data['ref'].split('/')[2] except IndexError: raise Exception('Could not determine commit branch, exiting.') except KeyError: Exception('This does not appear to be a push, exiting.') if commit_branch != self.commit_data['repository']['default_branch']: raise Exception('Commit branch: {0} is not the default branch, exiting.'.format(commit_branch)) # Get the commit_id, commit_url commit_id = self.commit_data['after'] commit = None for commit in self.commit_data['commits']: if commit['id'] == commit_id: break commit_id = commit_id[:10] # Only use the short form commit_url = commit['url'] # Gather other details from the commit that we will note for the job(s) user_name = self.commit_data['repository']['owner']['username'] repo_name = self.commit_data['repository']['name'] compare_url = self.commit_data['compare_url'] commit_message = commit['message'] if 'pusher' in self.commit_data: pusher = self.commit_data['pusher'] else: pusher = {'username': commit['author']['username']} pusher_username = pusher['username'] # Download and unzip the repo files repo_dir = self.get_repo_files(commit_url, repo_name) # Get the resource container rc = RC(repo_dir, repo_name) # Save manifest to manifest table manifest_data = { 'repo_name': repo_name, 'user_name': user_name, 'lang_code': rc.resource.language.identifier, 'resource_id': rc.resource.identifier, 'resource_type': rc.resource.type, 'title': rc.resource.title, 'manifest': json.dumps(rc.as_dict()), 'last_updated': datetime.utcnow() } # First see if manifest already exists in DB and update it if it is tx_manifest = TxManifest.get(repo_name=repo_name, user_name=user_name) if tx_manifest: for key, value in manifest_data.iteritems(): setattr(tx_manifest, key, value) App.logger.debug('Updating manifest in manifest table: {0}'.format(manifest_data)) tx_manifest.update() else: tx_manifest = TxManifest(**manifest_data) App.logger.debug('Inserting manifest into manifest table: {0}'.format(tx_manifest)) tx_manifest.insert() # Preprocess the files preprocess_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.base_temp_dir, prefix='preprocess_') results, preprocessor = do_preprocess(rc, repo_dir, preprocess_dir) # Zip up the massaged files zip_filepath = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.base_temp_dir, suffix='.zip') App.logger.debug('Zipping files from {0} to {1}...'.format(preprocess_dir, zip_filepath)) add_contents_to_zip(zip_filepath, preprocess_dir) App.logger.debug('finished.') # Upload zipped file to the S3 bucket file_key = self.upload_zip_file(commit_id, zip_filepath) job = TxJob() job.job_id = self.get_unique_job_id() job.identifier = job.job_id job.user_name = user_name job.repo_name = repo_name job.commit_id = commit_id job.manifests_id = job.created_at = datetime.utcnow() job.user = user.username # Username of the token, not necessarily the repo's owner job.input_format = rc.resource.file_ext job.resource_type = rc.resource.identifier job.source = self.source_url_base + "/" + file_key job.cdn_bucket = App.cdn_bucket job.cdn_file = 'tx/job/{0}.zip'.format(job.job_id) job.output = 'https://{0}/{1}'.format(App.cdn_bucket, job.cdn_file) job.callback = App.api_url + '/client/callback' job.output_format = 'html' job.links = { "href": "{0}/tx/job/{1}".format(App.api_url, job.job_id), "rel": "self", "method": "GET" } job.success = False converter = self.get_converter_module(job) linter = self.get_linter_module(job) if converter: job.convert_module = job.started_at = datetime.utcnow() job.expires_at = job.started_at + timedelta(days=1) job.eta = job.started_at + timedelta(minutes=5) job.status = 'started' job.message = 'Conversion started...' job.log_message('Started job for {0}/{1}/{2}'.format(job.user_name, job.repo_name, job.commit_id)) else: job.error_message('No converter was found to convert {0} from {1} to {2}'.format(job.resource_type, job.input_format, job.output_format)) job.message = 'No converter found' job.status = 'failed' if linter: job.lint_module = else: App.logger.debug('No linter was found to lint {0}'.format(job.resource_type)) job.insert() # Get S3 bucket/dir ready s3_commit_key = 'u/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(job.user_name, job.repo_name, job.commit_id) self.clear_commit_directory_in_cdn(s3_commit_key) # Create a build log build_log_json = self.create_build_log(commit_id, commit_message, commit_url, compare_url, job, pusher_username, repo_name, user_name) # Upload an initial build_log self.upload_build_log_to_s3(build_log_json, s3_commit_key) # Update the project.json file self.update_project_json(commit_id, job, repo_name, user_name) # Convert and lint if converter: if not preprocessor.is_multiple_jobs(): self.send_request_to_converter(job, converter) if linter: extra_payload = { 's3_results_key': s3_commit_key } self.send_request_to_linter(job, linter, commit_url, extra_payload=extra_payload) else: # ----------------------------- # multiple book project # ----------------------------- books = preprocessor.get_book_list() App.logger.debug('Splitting job into separate parts for books: ' + ','.join(books)) book_count = len(books) build_log_json['multiple'] = True build_log_json['build_logs'] = [] for i in range(0, len(books)): book = books[i] App.logger.debug('Adding job for {0}, part {1} of {2}'.format(book, i, book_count)) # Send job request to tx-manager if i == 0: book_job = job # use the original job created above for the first book book_job.identifier = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(job.job_id, book_count, i, book) else: book_job = job.clone() # copy the original job for this book's job book_job.job_id = self.get_unique_job_id() book_job.identifier = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(book_job.job_id, book_count, i, book) book_job.cdn_file = 'tx/job/{0}.zip'.format(book_job.job_id) book_job.output = 'https://{0}/{1}'.format(App.cdn_bucket, book_job.cdn_file) book_job.links = { "href": "{0}/tx/job/{1}".format(App.api_url, book_job.job_id), "rel": "self", "method": "GET" } book_job.insert() book_job.source = self.build_multipart_source(file_key, book) book_job.update() book_build_log = self.create_build_log(commit_id, commit_message, commit_url, compare_url, book_job, pusher_username, repo_name, user_name) if len(book) > 0: part = str(i) book_build_log['book'] = book book_build_log['part'] = part build_log_json['build_logs'].append(book_build_log) self.upload_build_log_to_s3(book_build_log, s3_commit_key, str(i) + "/") self.send_request_to_converter(book_job, converter) if linter: extra_payload = { 'single_file': book, 's3_results_key': '{0}/{1}'.format(s3_commit_key, i) } self.send_request_to_linter(book_job, linter, commit_url, extra_payload) remove_tree(self.base_temp_dir) # cleanup return build_log_json
[docs] def build_multipart_source(self, file_key, book): params = urllib.urlencode({'convert_only': book}) source_url = '{0}/{1}?{2}'.format(self.source_url_base, file_key, params) return source_url
[docs] def clear_commit_directory_in_cdn(self, s3_commit_key): # clear out the commit directory in the cdn bucket for this project revision for obj in App.cdn_s3_handler().get_objects(prefix=s3_commit_key): App.logger.debug('Removing file: ' + obj.key) App.cdn_s3_handler().delete_file(obj.key)
[docs] def upload_build_log_to_s3(self, build_log, s3_commit_key, part=''): """ :param dict build_log: :param string s3_commit_key: :param string part: :return: """ build_log_file = os.path.join(self.base_temp_dir, 'build_log.json') write_file(build_log_file, build_log) upload_key = '{0}/{1}build_log.json'.format(s3_commit_key, part) App.logger.debug('Saving build log to ' + upload_key) App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(build_log_file, upload_key, cache_time=0)
# App.logger.debug('build log contains: ' + json.dumps(build_log_json))
[docs] def create_build_log(self, commit_id, commit_message, commit_url, compare_url, job, pusher_username, repo_name, repo_owner): """ :param string commit_id: :param string commit_message: :param string commit_url: :param string compare_url: :param TxJob job: :param string pusher_username: :param string repo_name: :param string repo_owner: :return dict: """ build_log_json = dict(job) build_log_json['repo_name'] = repo_name build_log_json['repo_owner'] = repo_owner build_log_json['commit_id'] = commit_id build_log_json['committed_by'] = pusher_username build_log_json['commit_url'] = commit_url build_log_json['compare_url'] = compare_url build_log_json['commit_message'] = commit_message return build_log_json
[docs] def update_project_json(self, commit_id, job, repo_name, repo_owner): """ :param string commit_id: :param TxJob job: :param string repo_name: :param string repo_owner: :return: """ project_json_key = 'u/{0}/{1}/project.json'.format(repo_owner, repo_name) project_json = App.cdn_s3_handler().get_json(project_json_key) project_json['user'] = repo_owner project_json['repo'] = repo_name project_json['repo_url'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(repo_owner, repo_name) commit = { 'id': commit_id, 'created_at': job.created_at, 'status': job.status, 'success': job.success, 'started_at': None, 'ended_at': None } if 'commits' not in project_json: project_json['commits'] = [] commits = [] for c in project_json['commits']: if c['id'] != commit_id: commits.append(c) commits.append(commit) project_json['commits'] = commits project_file = os.path.join(self.base_temp_dir, 'project.json') write_file(project_file, project_json) App.cdn_s3_handler().upload_file(project_file, project_json_key)
[docs] def upload_zip_file(self, commit_id, zip_filepath): file_key = 'preconvert/{0}.zip'.format(commit_id) App.logger.debug('Uploading {0} to {1}/{2}...'.format(zip_filepath, App.pre_convert_bucket, file_key)) try: App.pre_convert_s3_handler().upload_file(zip_filepath, file_key, cache_time=0) except Exception as e: App.logger.error('Failed to upload zipped repo up to server') App.logger.exception(e) finally: App.logger.debug('finished.') return file_key
[docs] def get_repo_files(self, commit_url, repo_name): temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.base_temp_dir, prefix='{0}_'.format(repo_name)) self.download_repo(commit_url, temp_dir) repo_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, repo_name.lower()) if not os.path.isdir(repo_dir): repo_dir = temp_dir return repo_dir
[docs] def send_request_to_converter(self, job, converter): """ :param TxJob job: :param TxModule converter: :return bool: """ payload = { 'identifier': job.identifier, 'source_url': job.source, 'resource_id': job.resource_type, 'cdn_bucket': job.cdn_bucket, 'cdn_file': job.cdn_file, 'options': job.options, 'convert_callback': self.converter_callback } return self.send_payload_to_converter(payload, converter)
[docs] def send_payload_to_converter(self, payload, converter): """ :param dict payload: :param TxModule converter: :return bool: """ # TODO: Make this use urllib2 to make a async POST to the API. Currently invokes Lambda directly payload = { 'data': payload, 'vars': { 'prefix': App.prefix } } App.logger.debug('Sending Payload to converter {0}:'.format( App.logger.debug(payload) conveter_function = '{0}tx_convert_{1}'.format(App.prefix, response = App.lambda_handler().invoke(function_name=conveter_function, payload=payload, async=True) App.logger.debug('finished.') return response
[docs] def send_request_to_linter(self, job, linter, commit_url, extra_payload=None): """ :param TxJob job: :param TxModule linter: :param string commit_url: :param dict extra_payload: :return bool: """ payload = { 'identifier': job.identifier, 'resource_id': job.resource_type, 'cdn_bucket': job.cdn_bucket, 'cdn_file': job.cdn_file, 'options': job.options, 'lint_callback': self.linter_callback, 'commit_data': self.commit_data } if extra_payload: payload.update(extra_payload) if job.input_format == 'usfm' or job.resource_type == 'obs': # Need to give the massaged source since it maybe was in chunks originally payload['source_url'] = job.source else: payload['source_url'] = commit_url.replace('commit', 'archive') + '.zip' return self.send_payload_to_linter(payload, linter)
[docs] def send_payload_to_linter(self, payload, linter): """ :param dict payload: :param TxModule linter: :return bool: """ # TODO: Make this use urllib2 to make a async POST to the API. Currently invokes Lambda directly payload = { 'data': payload, 'vars': { 'prefix': App.prefix } } App.logger.debug('Sending Payload to linter {0}:'.format( App.logger.debug(payload) linter_function = '{0}tx_lint_{1}'.format(App.prefix, response = App.lambda_handler().invoke(function_name=linter_function, payload=payload, async=True) App.logger.debug('finished.') return response
[docs] def download_repo(self, commit_url, repo_dir): """ Downloads and unzips a git repository from Github or :param str|unicode commit_url: The URL of the repository to download :param str|unicode repo_dir: The directory where the downloaded file should be unzipped :return: None """ repo_zip_url = commit_url.replace('commit', 'archive') + '.zip' repo_zip_file = os.path.join(self.base_temp_dir, repo_zip_url.rpartition(os.path.sep)[2]) try: App.logger.debug('Downloading {0}...'.format(repo_zip_url)) # if the file already exists, remove it, we want a fresh copy if os.path.isfile(repo_zip_file): os.remove(repo_zip_file) download_file(repo_zip_url, repo_zip_file) finally: App.logger.debug('finished.') try: App.logger.debug('Unzipping {0}...'.format(repo_zip_file)) unzip(repo_zip_file, repo_dir) finally: App.logger.debug('finished.') # clean up the downloaded zip file if os.path.isfile(repo_zip_file): os.remove(repo_zip_file)
[docs] def get_unique_job_id(self): """ :return string: """ job_id = hashlib.sha256(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")).hexdigest() while TxJob.get(job_id): job_id = hashlib.sha256(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")).hexdigest() return job_id
[docs] def get_converter_module(self, job): """ :param TxJob job: :return TxModule: """ converters = TxModule.query().filter(TxModule.type=='converter') \ .filter(TxModule.input_format.contains(job.input_format)) \ .filter(TxModule.output_format.contains(job.output_format)) converter = converters.filter(TxModule.resource_types.contains(job.resource_type)).first() if not converter: converter = converters.filter(TxModule.resource_types.contains('other')).first() return converter
[docs] def get_linter_module(self, job): """ :param TxJob job: :return TxModule: """ linters = TxModule.query().filter(TxModule.type=='linter') \ .filter(TxModule.input_format.contains(job.input_format)) linter = linters.filter(TxModule.resource_types.contains(job.resource_type)).first() if not linter: linter = linters.filter(TxModule.resource_types.contains('other')).first() return linter